Each Sunday, adults are encouraged to gather at 9:45AM in our Lounge for Sunday school. Topics will vary depending on class interest, but it will be fun and dynamic - a conversation. There are also small snacks and coffee.
Please note: there is no Sunday School from Memorial Day to Labor Day when we transition to a single worship service on Sunday mornings.
Please note: there is no Sunday School from Memorial Day to Labor Day when we transition to a single worship service on Sunday mornings.
There are multiple opportunities to share our faith while in community together. Central’s Halloween party, Christmas party, Block party (in August), Easter Egg Hunt, Pride Palooza table, and movie / game nights are just some examples of how we connect with our neighbors and friends to build relationships with each other and our local community. Consider joining us!
We also have a Monday evening book study that begins at 7:30PM each Monday. We gather together using Zoom. Call the office for more details on the book we are reading and Zoom credentials.