Reconciling Ministries
Central UMC became a Reconciling Congregation in May 2016. With an almost-unanimous decision, this congregation affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network and joined over 1,000 other congregations in the commitment to open its doors to all persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. This decision also reflects our commitment to oppose the discriminatory language in the United Methodist Book of Discipline.
Our Mission Statement also reflects this commitment:
Central United Methodist Church is a fully inclusive church that seeks, embraces, educates, worships, and serves, all in God’s love. We fully include all persons who enter our doors, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, creed, age, economic status, physical or mental abilities. We strive to make real the love of God through Jesus Christ and to empower all people to share this love with others.
To learn more about the Reconciling Ministries Network, we invite you to visit their webpage:
Our Mission Statement also reflects this commitment:
Central United Methodist Church is a fully inclusive church that seeks, embraces, educates, worships, and serves, all in God’s love. We fully include all persons who enter our doors, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, creed, age, economic status, physical or mental abilities. We strive to make real the love of God through Jesus Christ and to empower all people to share this love with others.
To learn more about the Reconciling Ministries Network, we invite you to visit their webpage: